You do the shopping. Brands do the giving.

How it works

On your computer
On your phone
Add the Givebacks Chrome extension to your browser
Shop at your favorite stores online from your Chrome browser. A pop up will appear if they are a participating brand.
Hit “Activate” when you see a Givebacks offer pop up
Complete your
online purchase
Give back
The brand automatically donates to your cause!
Download and enable the Givebacks Chrome extension
Open your browser and shop at your favorite online brands
Hit “Activate” when you see a Givebacks offer pop up
Complete your
online purchase
Give back
The brand automatically donates to your cause!

Visit online stores

Shop for the items you need and want from thousands of top-rated online merchants and retailers.

Support your cause when you shop

When you activate a Givebacks offer, 
the brand you buy from automatically donates a percentage to your cause of choice—
at no cost to you.

Discover new brands and offers

Browse the Givebacks app from your phone or computer to find offers from stores that care about giving back!

Get the
Givebacks app

Easily support the causes you care about and power all your giving in one place with the Givebacks app.

Earn online FAQ’s

How do I select a cause?
How can I find causes to support?
Can I give to multiple organizations?
What devices and browsers can I use?
How do I find offers?
How do I activate an offer?
How do I enable the Givebacks extension on desktop and mobile?
Is there any cost to me with Shop to Give?
Can I use a debit card?
Is my information secure?
Does Givebacks sell my data?
How much money will my cause earn?
How do I add a credit card?
How do I power a donation?
Why do the brands pay for the donation?
How can I track the donations I’ve powered?